Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pizza Rolls

Gunner decided he wanted pizza rolls for dinner tonight.  I'm not a fan so I've not made them for him before.  But since we were going to the store anyways I told him I would get him some!  When we got home, I turned on the stove, put them on a pan, and started to put them in the oven.  Well Gunner freaked out....." Mom you supposed to put them on a plate and put them in there!" pointing to the microwave.  To which I said, "We can make them in the oven to Gunner."  His response... rolling his eyes and throwing his hands up as if to give up... " Mom..... just call Meilyn!"  Meilyn is my sister and she watches them for me when I work and if you ask my boys.... she knows everything!  She is pretty amazing and they love her almost as much as I do!!!  Thanks for all you do for my family sis!!!  We love you!!!


RPH said...

haha! that is pretty funny. i always thought she knew everything too. i loved her when we were kids. (still do)

Summer said...

LOL, that's hilarious, it's so funny to see a child's perspective on things, especially when they're so sure that there's only one way to do something.