Sunday, October 5, 2008


My older boys have been fascinated with marriage lately..... Mostly Gunner. We get questions everyday about what they will do, how big will they be, what they will have.... The other day as I was driving Gunner to school I looked back at him and he looked very upset. So I asked "Gunner what's up Baby?" He looked at me and said "Mom, I just can't find her! Can you help me find her please?" I was very confused and asked "Who are you looking for Gunner?" "The girl to marry mom! I just can't find her and I need to find her... Will you help me?" WOW!! Slow down there buddy!:) I explained to him that he is a little too young to be getting married just yet! And that when the time comes if he still wants my help, which we ALL know he won't, I'd be happy to help! That seemed to satisfy him for the moment! What a funny kid!


♥Tami said...

I didn't think they were ever allowed to get married?!? Love that kid!

Dixiechick said...

That is funny. It's because he doesn't have a sister. Livy always tells me she's going to marry Owen. If Gunner had a sister he wouldn't be looking right now. (I know that's so wrong, but in kid world it works for the time being).

The Arizona Ray's said...

That is so cute!!! I don"t know if he's offering for you to help find her I would get that on some kind of recording so in years to come when you are approving or not you can play it back for him!! So sweet!! Speaking of marriage, Gusty is getting married in 3 weeks!!!

The Ayers Family said...

I laughed so hard, I cried! Poor Gunner-bug!